-Mobile Refillery-

"When you have a dream, you have to grab it & never let it go." - Carol Burnett

When I was in the planning stages of starting this business, one of my top priorities was to have a space where I can offer a Refill station. Since purchasing a brick & mortar store front right off the bat wasn't in our cards, why not buy a trailer & turn it into a mobile store?! 

I know what you're thinking. A trailer?! The look on your face while you are reading this is likely the same look I received from my husband when I shared my idea with him. 

However, the next day, there we were. In the parking lot of our local dealer, shopping for trailers. 

A lot of blood, sweat, & tears went into the designing of this trailer to come up with a perfect way to display all of our amazing products + offer a refill station. (well maybe mostly just the tears) 

And pictured below is our final product. Welcome to Sustainable Co Refillery's Mobile Refillery. WOOHOO!! 

Being we live in MN, we are only available in the warmer months of the year. Our events are available on our Social Media pages. 

We are still in the beginning stages of our refill station + sustainable store- but we have some BIG dreams. 

Thanks for coming along for the ride. 


Sustainable Co 



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